As the name implies, traditionally, first anniversary gifts are made out of paper to symbolize the new beginnings that could be evolved into ”together forever”. When you think about paper, most likely a blank sheet will appear before your mind. An unmarked, clean, and fresh sheet that you can’t help yourself but fill immediately. You can experience the same feeling when you meet that special someone. You are magically set to do everything as special as your significant other. So, the best part about the paper tradition is the process of making a gift which can be way more meaningful than buying a gift. You may feel like you are at the very beginning of the road and everything may seem so new and recent. But if you are the kind of person who loves to record and memorize every moment you have with your significant other, the process of making the gift will be much more enjoyable and much easier for you. 

Homemade Anniversary Gift Ideas

As we look at all the possibilities when one has with a material such as paper, you can create three main handmade gifts to show how much your significant other means to you. First of all, you can prepare an anniversary journal filled with your memories, secondly, a photo book where you visually captured your precious moments.

Anniversary Journal Idea

The anniversary journal idea might be the most popular idea for first-year anniversaries. There is a rule that if you follow it, your anniversary journal might be much superior to any gift ideas and any other anniversary journal; start keeping your memories on the paper from day one. This rule might seem a little bit unfair and nonsensical but if you are with your significant other, you will know from day one that this is the person you will spend the rest of your life with. Thinking about the shock and the love on his face would make you more excited and passionate about making this handmade gift for him. But don’t be upset about the fact that you didn’t start writing from day one, this rule is not that strict and it can be bent. You can write about specific dates, the unique moments that you had and don’t want to forget like the first time you went to Disneyland together, or the first time you watched fireworks together.

Photo Book Idea

This is also another gift idea that goes directly to the list of most popular ideas for the first anniversary. Each of us adores looking at photo albums and going back to the good old days of our only past. One year may seem like a tiny grain of rice compared with the bewildering passage of time, but every second is precious when you are with your special someone. Therefore, it is important to capture every moment, preferably visually. Thanks to the sweet technology, it is not a painful process to collect every single moment you have captured in the past. When you piece together all the photographs you have taken at the time, you can make a beautiful photo book that could make him sentimental and joyful by sending him on a journey to the past.

Does the first-year anniversary gift have to be made out of paper?

If you are someone who loves traditions and want to follow the traditional first-year anniversary gift ideas, it has to be made out of paper to symbolize the novelty of your relationship. 

What color symbolizes the first year anniversary?

The colors yellow and gold symbolizes the first year anniversary and it would be a good idea to wrap your gift in packages with these colors


If you are not sure what to buy for your beloved for your first anniversary, tradition may come to the rescue. Traditional first-year anniversary gift ideas are mostly made out of paper to symbolize the freshness of the relationship and celebrate the many years that you will spend with your significant other.