Transmission Cooling Line

A transmission cooling line is a pathway for cooling fluid from the radiator to the engine. The cost of these Transmission cooling lines varies from the type of car and also the manufacturer company. The main purpose of a cooling system is to keep engine heat at recommended temperature.

When engine heat is moderate, other vital parts of the car are kept safe. It also protects one from accidents such as fire destroying your car.

Types Of Car Transmission:

Several factors determine the kind of transmission system a car will have.

The type of fuel. This can be either petrol or diesel. Duty or purpose. Heavy-duty cars use diesel engines while light-duty use petrol duty. Manual transmission. The driver has to keep on changing gear manually. Automatic transmission. The gear change is automatic.  

Diesel takes a long to burn out, unlike petrol. It therefore, runs the engine for a longer time and is also cheaper than petrol. Never mix a petrol engine with diesel or vice versa, it might be the beginning of unending visits to a mechanic. 

How A Transmission Cooling Line Works?

When the car is ignited, the sparks set the fuel ablaze in the engine. The heat causes the pistons to move, which in turn moves the gearbox. The gearbox rotates the wheel depending on the force from the piston.

All this operation produces heat as a by-product of friction. To get rid of all this heat, an enclosed pipe is connected thought the engine and gearbox. The pipe is mostly rubber due to the heat of the cooling fluid. 

Inside the pipe; which makes the transmission line, contains engine fluid that has a higher boiling point than engine temperature. It absorbs the heat from the surrounding hot environment and flows to the radiator.

The radiator is located at the rear of a car with a fan fixed behind it. The hot engine fluid flows through a metal part of the radiator absorbing all the heat and cooling down the fluid. The fluid then flows back into the engine and the process repeats itself.

How To Check Your Transmission Line?

1. Use Of PO7030.

It is an electronic gadget used to diagnose a car. It gives information about a faulty part that needs repair or replacement. 

2. The Engine Fluid Color.

A  working engine transmission fluid should be pink in color. If you notice a brown or black color, it means the fluid needs to be replaced.

3. Pad Of Oil On The Driveway.

Many people think it is normal for cars to leave a patch on the driveway. However, this is an indication of leakage in the transmission line.

4. Today’s Cars Are Computerized.

The computers give a warning in case of a faulty engine transmission or leaking transmission line.

5. Dipstick.

This is a special kind of stick in the car engine indicated as ‘trans fluid’. Pull it and wipe on a piece of tissue paper, and check the color of the fluid.

How To Fix The Transmission Line Leakage?

In case you notice the above signs is to take your car for diagnosis to a professional or recommended mechanics. The next thing could be replacing the valves of the radiator’s lines.

When you want to add a new transmission flue, make sure you drain clean the entire transmission line. The manual gives guidance on when the change of oil should be done. These are done through a method known as flash.

1. Draining Method.

It is done by opening the bottom part of the transmission compartment for the fluid to flow out. This method does drain about 40 to 50 % of the fluid, while the rest is left in the crutch compartments.

2. Flash.

The engine has two open pipes. The pipe at the top is flashed with new fluid, while the other below pumps out the old fluid.

Before performing any of these operations, check out the recommended way by the manufacturer.

There are two types of fluid in a car; The transmission fluid and the fuel. Each has a dipping stick. For fuel purposes, are used to check the flow of fuel and also the engine state.

The transmission fuel turns black after a long time of usage without replacement. The reason is due to dirt and dust from the transmission line. It also contains metallic particles from the gear disks. This is due to friction as the gear leavers shift.

Never buy a transmission fluid from an untrustworthy seller. Never also let any unprofessional mechanic do any repairs. They might add harmful products to your engine or mislead you that may cause you a fortune.