There are a few ways to recover your deleted posts. You can use the cache version of the app, backup the files, or use another software to backup posts

Let us take a brief look at the ways by which you can recover your deleted posts from Tumblr. 

By using the Cache version of the app

You can find the text version of your deleted post by finding it on Google Cache. Although this isn’t a proven method, several others claim to have recovered their deleted posts by using it. What you need to do is;

Type the address of the URL of your deleted post in Chrome or any other web browser you use.   Make sure to add “cache:” before the URL. If your post is backed up, you’ll see a cached version of it.

By backing up your posts in advance 

You can manually backup your posts and save them on your computer in case you need them in the future. What you need to do is;

Log in to your Tumblr account.  Open the post you want to save; you’ll see a gear icon near it. Click the gear icon. Select the “Edit” option. Click on the HTML icon. You’ll see the HTML code of your post. Copy and paste this code into a text file and save it on your computer.  

By this method, you can backup your posts but cannot retrieve any deleted posts. 

By using a backup software

There is several backup software available at the app store or play store. These apps act as a secondary backup storage option and you can save any of your files in case you lose them in the future and want to retrieve them. let us take a look at some of these apps;

Tumblr Backup

this app is provided by Tumblr itself. It allows the users to store and save their Tumblr posts on different devices. But the problem is, that this app is only available for IOS and Mac users.



This tool helps to quickly manage and sort the user’s Tumblr posts. You can store at least 300 posts and retrieve them later. You can also recover deleted posts but they should be stored somewhere else first. 


This tool acts as a cloud backup service and protects the data of Google apps. This tool also helps to back up your Tumblr posts. 

 By using Web Archive 

You can also find your deleted posts on the Web or Internet Archive. It works as an online library and stores most of the web content that you can access if you know the URL. To find your Tumblr post, type its URL in the search bar and press “Browse History”. You’ll see your deleted post in the result. You can recover it now to your device. 

Why does Tumblr deactivate accounts or delete posts? 

As one of the famous micro-blogging apps that allow their users to share different multimedia content; they have to make sure that none of the content shared violates their rules and regulations. If they find a user posting pornographic content or hate/violence posts; the user’s account is suspended. No one knows how this policy works and what is the extent of posting such stuff. 


Now you know what to do if Tumblr removes your post/account or you accidentally delete your post. It would be much better to make sure that all of your content is already backed up in case such a situation arises. But you shouldn’t post something that violates Tumblr’s rules and make sure to maintain a user-friendly environment on the app. 

Would all my post disappear after I delete my account? 

All of your posts will disappear from your blog after you delete your account. But, if someone has re-blogged your post, the users visiting that person’s blog will be able to see it as the post will be considered different from your original post. 

How to deactivate my Tumblr account? 

You can’t deactivate your Tumblr account. You can either log out or delete your account. Follow these steps to permanently delete your account: 

Go to your user profile. Click on the “Settings” icon.  you’ll see the option of “Delete this Tumblr” in the menu.  Choose this option and Tumblr will ask for confirmation to delete your account.  fill in the password and press “Delete” to confirm. Your account will be deleted.  

Can you restore a deleted Tumblr account? 

No, you can’t restore an account you’ve already deleted. The account, along with all your posts gets permanently deleted. If you want, you can make a new account with the same blog address with the help of the email you used for your previous account. 

How to see old posts on Tumblr? 

Scroll down to the bottom of the blog page. You’ll see, a “next” button. Click it to go to the next page of the blog.