We can add this feature to Vista Home Premium by installing the free utility Filehamster.  Filehamster will run in the background and keep track of your files and directories you set it for.  Installation is quick and easy.  An easy setup wizard starts up initially.

Choose the location of where you want to store the backup files.

Then just name the backup library.  Don’t worry, you can make as many libraries as you wish after the initial wizard set up.

Now let’s go ahead and set up a directory to manage with Filehamster.  Go to the watch file we just created, right click, and choose Add File or Directory.  For my example I am going to use my music directory.

You will be prompted to browse to a specific location.  I chose the entire directory.  You can also watch changes to individual files.

Next we can enter in various watching parameters depending upon how sensitive the directory is.  Being in a band I make a lot of changes to my music folder adding different recordings, tabs, lyrics, etc.  So I want to keep dibs on everything.

Choose the files to have initially copied.  You can choose as much or as little as you think is appropriate.

Ok, here is my watch tree as of the initial revision.  As I mentioned Filehamster runs in the background and keeps an eye on and monitors all changes to this directory.  You can add as many files and / or directories you wish.

Recovering files using Filehamster is as slick as using Shadow-Copy in Server 2003.  There are also plenty of add-ons for additional functionality for this cool utility as well.

Turn Vista Home Premium Into Ultimate Part 1

Turn Vista Home Premium Into Ultimate Part 2