The point of Kunai is fighting back against a robot uprising bent on dominating the world after some AI gets a bit out of control. You won’t be playing as Will Smith, though. Instead, Kunai sees you play as a living, thinking tablet.

On top of these basic qualities, the tablet can also fight pretty darn well and wields a wide array of weapons, including the titular kunai and a katana. These have obvious uses during combat, but some of your arsenal doubles as exploration tools as well.

The launch date announcement came with a new trailer as well, which you can see above. It gives a pretty good idea of the wild, fast-paced action we can expect in Kunai, along with the exploration component that comprises the game’s other major focus.

We rather like the idea of playing as a sword-wielding tablet, and we’ll be keeping an eye on this Kunai as it gets closer to the February 6 launch date. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Kunai news as it’s coded.