Who is Lise-Lotte Lublin? At the point when Lublin was around 23 years of age, she gained from her representative that Bill Cosby needed to guide her. She met him at a Hilton in her old neighborhood of Las Vegas, Nevada, interestingly. Lublin recollected that, “a little. He said he’d send my photographs to New York and have a displaying office take a gander at them and see what might be best for me, runway or business.” Cosby then, at that point, fostered an extraordinary relationship with her family, alluding to Lublin as his little girl and conversing with her mom via telephone.


Thus, when Cosby welcomed Lublin over to his suite in Hilton one night in 1989, she didn’t think it was odd. He then, at that point, asked Lublin to vault some comedy acting, something new to her. By then, she recalled Cosby giving her a beverage, guaranteeing it would loosen up her. He was obstinate regardless of Lublin expressing that she didn’t drink. Believing Cosby, she had it, and after the subsequent one, the youthful model began feeling dazed.

A portion of the last things Lublin recalled were Cosby stroking her hair while he had his legs on one or the other side of her arms. Then, at that point, she had glimmers of the jokester strolling her towards the room. Lublin said, “I remember nothing else from that evening. At the point when I woke up, I was at home. I thought I had been debilitated and lying in bed throughout the previous two days, and I didn’t have any idea how I returned home. I thought I had a response to anything he gave me and that I became ill.”

For a long time, Lublin recently accepted that it was the liquor that made her power outage. However, subsequent to watching a meeting with Janice Dickinson, who blamed Cosby for medicating and physically attacking her, she understood the reason why she probably dropped. At the point when Cosby stood preliminary in 2017 on charges that he physically attacked Andrea Constand, it finished in a malfeasance. Lublin then, at that point, affirmed at his second preliminary in 2018, which finished with a blameworthy decision.

Where could Lise-Lotte Lublin Now be? In 2017, Lublin communicated her disappointment at the malfeasance, saying, “Therefore individuals don’t approach. For survivors of assault, it is a passionate injury, and the casualty is defrauded again and again on the grounds that they have a relationship with that individual.” Nevertheless, Lublin’s declaration was critical in the jury viewing Cosby to be very muchblameworthy in 2018. Yet, the decision was toppled in 2021, prompting a significant commotion.

In spite of the early delivery, Lublin actually thought it was a success that Cosby was in jail. She said, “Time will be time. He has done north of two years, and he can never get that back.” Apart from that, Lublin effectively crusaded to have the legal time limit in rape cases changed from four to twenty years. Today, she lives in Las Vegas with her better half, Benjamin, and youngsters. Presently a center teacher, Lublin and her significant other likewise attempted to ensure kids who experienced rape better legitimately. The adjustment of the law empowered the survivors to indict their victimizers as grown-ups.