Cincinelli was an official who was appointed to the nearby area when she initially met DiRubba. She saw him when she was out on a patroling one day and began to talk.

At that point, she was going through a contentious separation. Notwithstanding having an age contrast of many years, they immediately became indistinguishable.

They even got matching tattoos “‘ till death” tattoos on their left hands. In the interim, DiRubba got one on his right that said “Valerie.”

Who Is New York Native John Dirubba? New York local John DiRubba was the more seasoned secret beau of previous cop Valerie Cincinelli. Subsequent to having an easygoing gathering while John was washing the vehicle, they reached out on Instagram.

Their web-based entertainment discussion immediately transformed into their mystery getting which cut off together in a genuine friendship, as indicated by John.

The court record peruses that close by having an unstable history, she was additionally desirous of his then-13-year-old little girl. The inclination created on the grounds that he focused on his youngster.

She even talked about recruiting a hired gunman to kill her then-spouse Isaiah Carvalho Jr. with John. Followingly, the record peruses that John told Valerie he knew somebody who might do the occupation for $7,000.

In the new episodes, he told that Valerie’s own words were the explanation that she is in prison. She blew up as her separation from her then-spouse was delaying.

Where Could John Dirubba Today be? Valerie Cincinelli’s Boyfriend Update As indicated by the Dateline, John DiRubba has been keeping up with his honesty to date. He is as yet remaining in the New York assembling and flipping houses.

— Dateline Producer (@DatelineNBCProd) April 2, 2022

In the show, he referenced he believes the world should realize that he is a decent dad. He additionally added that he isn’t the individual who has been depicted in the media.

John has been keeping himself a long way from the spotlight to date. As he is very calm about his life, there isn’t a lot of information about him accessible on the Internet.

Valerie pulled out the specific sum and gave it to John which he changed over into gold coins to make the installment purportedly.

Nonetheless, when he had an undermined outlook on his little girl’s prosperity, he transformed into a source for the police.