Using the sounds of the game as his guide, Runnerguy finished the game 103 hours.

An Impossible Feat

Some may think that memorizing a game can be easy, but one that is as extensive as the Legend of of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is no easy task.

While viewing the playthrough on YouTube, it seems as though he was playing an original Nintendo 64 emulator, which is notoriously harder than the 3D edition that was remade for the Nintendo 3DS. Specifically, the Water Temple poses a huge threat in completing the original N64 game, where you can get stuck and have to restart.

Not to mention Runnerguy was playing the game as if it was a run-through looking for the lowest time. That means he used all the “cheats” he knew of that made the game go by quickly. This could include the back-jumping through the Hyrule field to save time traveling. 

To view the entire playthrough by Runnerguy2489, it’s been uploaded to YouTube and can be found below: 

What do you think of Runnerguy’s play-through? Would you be able to play a game blindfolded and beat it? Share your thoughts with me below! 

Twitch gamer beats Ocarina of Time blindfolded   Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - 33