Pictured above is an image of the Eye of Azhara dungeon. This dungeon is an outdoor battleground located in Azsuna that will also serve as a capstone for the Azsuna storyline. According to the developers who worked on this dungeon, their insights on its unique design are as follows.

With the choice to go with a non-linear design for this new dungeon, it will present a challenge for players who are used to the linear format of prior dungeons. The weather effects are a new addition as well, which should likely encourage players to be more cautious and aware of their surroundings. As with any dungeon-crawl, boss monsters follow, and the ones that will be present to fight against are no slouch. Listed below are the five bosses that will comprise the hardest fights for the Eye of Azshara dungeon.

Serpentrix: Serpentrix is a large serpent-like naga that dwells at the Eye of Azshara in the shallow regions. It viciously attacks prey by bursting from the water with one of its many heads. 

King Deepbeard: A behemoth that resides on the ocean floor, Deepbeard can tear vessels apart with his bare hands and wears the prow of a ship as a pauldron. 

Warlord Parjesh: The commander of the Naga that has overrun Azsuna, Parjesh commands obedience with a healthy mixture of fear and respect. 

Lady Hatecoil: A naga sea witch of noble birth, Hatecoil commands the waves and sea, using them against all those who oppose the Hatecoil. 

Wrath of Azshara: The final boss of the Eye of Azshara dungeon, this Naga fights ruthlessly for her Queen and has been summoned by the Hatecoil channelers as the last line of defense. 

The second dungeon, Neltharion’s Lair is a far cry from the ocean home of the Naga. Instead, it is located in Highmountain and is the remains of the lair that once belonged to Deathwing; the villain of the previous World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm. 

As you can see in the above image, Neltharion’s lair is a fortress of sorts, filled with powerful creatures and four tough boss fights to contend with. Developer insights on this new dungeon are fascinating;

With rapids that quickly move players through the area, great care will be needed to ensure that players don’t get swept away and lost. The four bosses within Neltharion’s Lair are as unique as the area itself:

Rokmora: A massive crystal Fury used as a living weapon to kill all who stand against the Underking. It is the unfinished masterpiece of Ularogg Cragshaper. Wild magic used to shape the beast imbues all around it with Ularogg’s will to crush his enemies. 

Ularogg Cragshaper: The creator of Rakmora, Ularogg is committed to his lust for power and has become the Underking’s advisor. 

Naraxas: The mother of monsters, Naraxas has been worshiped by the drogbar for centuries, and is given constant sacrifices. She is the last foe players will encounter before the final boss, Dargrul the Underking. 

Dargrul the Underking: The ruler of the dragbar, Dargrul is a massive beast who murdered the Chieftan of Ulan and seized control of the Hammer of Khaz’groth’s power. He uses this power from the hammer to destroy all who oppose him. 

These two dungeons look to be the most challenging yet in World of Warcraft and with a minimum level of 98 to access them; they are only for the strongest of warriors to challenge. 

Are you excited for the new dungeons and boss fights? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!