The one we see the most of (0:48 in the trailer above) looks rather similar to Mr. Mime, only it’s purple and has a mustache of sorts. Still, even if it is a Galar Mr. Mime, chances are the name won’t be #Movember Mime, more’s the shame.
Moving on to the next Galar ‘mon, we don’t technically see very much — maybe. It’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment at 0:23 in the trailer, but you can see a bit of something mysterious. It somewhat looks like Yamask, a Gen V Ghost-type, but it also looks completely different. If it’s a new Galarian form Pokemon, well, we don’t have much longer to wait to find out.
The rest of the trailer focuses on the Wild Area and the myriad Pokemon you’ll find there. It also re-acquaints us with the Galar Gym leaders and possibly teasing the back of two as-yet unannounced ones at 1:08.
It then goes on to remind us of Dynamaxing, its superior variant Gigantamaxing, and the latest round of Kanto Gigantamaxers, including Long-Cat Meowth.
If you’re still on the fence about which version to get, check out our Pokemon Sword and Shield version exclusives guide, which will be updated as more official version exclusive information becomes available.