The news comes from a new-ish trailer posted by Krome Studios, an Australian-based developer. 

We say “new-ish” because it’s essentially the same as the Steam trailer. But it shows the game running on the Switch at the end and some of the extra features like hardcore mode, HD Rumble, and skin swapping.

Should you find the game far too easy, as was sometimes the case with the animal platformers of the late 90s and early 2000s, you can crank things up with a brand-new difficulty setting. Ty can also have his fur changed out for some other colors, with trousers of different styles and patterns, too.

It’s a shame Ty the Tasmanian Tiger launched when it did, when spunky animal heroes were rapidly going extinct thanks to the new trend in gritty Grand-Theft-Auto-likes started. It was, and still is, a solid platformer with a unique setting and some fun mechanics and gimmicks, as the trailer shows.

Ty’s main weapon is a boomerang, which he can swap out for ‘rangs with different powers. He runs, he jumps, he swims, and he rides giant animals. It’s all set in the Outback (hence the name), which is a criminally underused setting for video games. Hopefully this time around, Ty gets a bit more attention.

We’ll certainly be keeping an eye on it, so stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Ty the Tasmanian Tiger HD news as it develops.