Teachers are not the only ones in your school who teaches you some subjects, but there are other teachers outside the school. We have many types of teachers in our surroundings based on their specialization, like elementary school teachers, high school teachers, middle school teachers, special education teachers, art teachers, activists, technical college teachers, etc.

On the Basis of their specialty

No one can be a person who specializes in everything, so as per a teacher’s specialization, we have many different types of teachers that we are going to discuss below:

Pre-school Teacher:

A child starts his journey from pe-school; at an early age, he has no idea about any of the school’s practices. A preschool teacher is specialized in early children’s education. He teaches them fine motor skills and gross motor skills. He makes sure that a child will be ready to go to middle school after that with all essential knowledge. He must have skills in class management.

Special Education Teacher:

There are some special kids with some disabilities, and teachers who teach these types of students are known as special education teachers. They are well trained in tackling special children and in commanding them. They know how to deliver their message to them. Suppose students are blind or deaf. They know how to deal with them. They designed different activities to develop their student’s skills.

Technical College Teacher:

Not every student goes to get an education and degree; Perhaps some students find it more convenient to learn a skill. Technical college teachers trained their students in specific skills like electrical skills or construction skills.  

College Professor:

College professors have a lot of knowledge about a particular field. They teach in colleges a specific subject. They know how to deal with that subject theoretically or practically. They do not worry about class management or tackling students. They have all their attention on conveying information to their students.

STEM Teacher:

A teacher that teaches Science, technology, engineering, and maths is known as a STEM Teacher. They build concepts in students about what they are teaching. They can make their class fun and interesting by designing new activities. 

Art Teacher:

Art Teacher is the one who teaches art to students. They give them creative ideas to make different art pieces. They train them in drawing, painting, and sculptures. An artistic art teacher has a lot of skills.

On the Basis of personality

Teachers are of various personality traits, there are different types of teachers you meet at your school, and some of them are mentioned below:Cool Teacher:

A teacher who is so friendly and supports their students in every way is an excellent teacher. Their students mostly like them. They share their things with them, so cool teachers always have a strong bond with their students.

Strict Teacher:

A punctual teacher who does not listen to excuses for late homework is typically strict. He is always in a lousy mood and rarely smiles. He keeps an eye on every student, in and outside the class. His classes are primarily pin-dropped silent. 

Apathetic Teacher:

He is always tired and fed up with his job and students. He seems to be lazy in his work and always makes it late. He somehow hates the school but cannot resign for some reason.

Rules Freak Teacher:

Rules freak teachers always tell the student about what is in the school’s policies. He has a law and order book always in his hands. He sometimes used to threaten students with getting suspended for not wearing white socks. 

Scary Teacher:

Some teachers have facial expressions that scare students a lot. Instead, he is their subject teacher or not, and some students always keep themselves away from them. They look scary, but they are happy people supporting their students in person. 

Highly Concerned Teacher:

If it is about your education or health, some teachers are highly concerned about every one of their students. He always ensures that every student is attending school and doing their best. Sometimes he comes to ask about your grandma’s health as well. 

Final Thoughts

No matter in which category your teacher lies. But they are always concerned about you; he wants you to do your best in every field of life. Teachers are blessings; they can sacrifice themselves to fulfill their student’s needs. The teacher must be respected by their students even if they ungraded you once, and never speak badly about them. Teachers always do things that are favorable for you. You can not even learn how to count without your teacher’s support.