There are many reasons why you might be banned from Uber, whether it’s because of your rating or because you’re not allowed to drive in certain areas. You can get a ban for a number of reasons, but here’s how to avoid being banned altogether:

Uber’s community guidelines prohibit misconduct while using the Uber app. If Uber receives complaints about a rider’s behavior, it may take behavioral action against that rider’s account.

You may be reported for misconduct if you:

refuse to get out of the car when requested to do so by the driverare aggressive, abusive or inappropriate towards drivers or fellow ridersdamage someone else’s property (for example, vomit in a car)

How to know if your account has been banned.

If you’ve been banned from Uber, you may not be able to log into the app. A screen will appear saying that your account has been blocked and instructing you to contact Uber. Additionally, if you try to go through a normal trip with another passenger in your car, they may receive an error message saying that their payment could not be processed and they’ll need to confirm their payment method before continuing with the ride.

If this happens while using the Uber app on a computer rather than through an iPhone or Android device, it’s possible that someone else opened an account using your email address without permission or by guessing the password (if it was weak). You should also check whether any other apps have access to this address—this can happen if people use the same password for multiple accounts across multiple websites or apps. If so, make sure each of those services has been changed as well!

What to do if your account is banned.

If you have been banned from using an AdSense account, it is important to ask for help from Google’s support team. You should explain what happened and why you think your account was banned. You should also explain how you plan to avoid similar problems in the future. If possible, provide links and screenshots of evidence that supports your case.

For example: “I was recently banned from using my AdSense account because of a false click-fraud report filed against me by another publisher. I can understand why this might have happened, but I want to let you know that I did not commit any fraud and that it was an accident caused by a technical error on my part.”

Reach out to support for help.

If you’ve been banned from using Uber, the first thing you’ll want to do is contact Uber support. You can do this by going to the Uber Support website and clicking on “Contact.” Once there, click on “Help with my account,” then choose “I need help with an existing account.”

Within a few hours of submitting your request, a member of the team will get in touch with you via email or phone. If needed, they may ask for copies of receipts or other documentation regarding your case. They will also be able to explain why your account was suspended and how long it’s likely that it’ll take before reopening it again (usually no more than three days).

If you have had your Uber account banned, there may be ways to appeal the decision.

Uber’s community guidelines prohibit misconduct while using the Uber app. If Uber receives complaints about a rider’s behavior, it may take behavioral action against that rider’s account.

Behavioral actions include:

Removing a rider from the platform for violating our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service;Temporarily suspending an account for repeated violations of these policies; and/orBanning an individual from accessing or using the app entirely


I am sorry to hear that your account was banned. It is sometimes necessary for a company to ban someone if they are not following the rules or behaving in an inappropriate manner, but it can still be upsetting. If you feel like your account was unjustly closed, you should contact customer service and let them know what happened so they can take another look at their decision.

Q. What is the best way to get a banned account unbanned?

A. Get in touch with customer support and explain what happened. If you were banned for violating the terms of service, they will take action against your account. If you were banned by mistake or if it wasn’t intentional, they will lift the ban on your account and ask you not to do it again.

Q. How long does it take to get an account back?

A. It depends on how quickly you respond to their emails and how fast they can process them. It can take anywhere from a few days up to a week or two depending on how busy they are at that time.

Q. Can I appeal my ban?

A. Yes! You can appeal your ban by contacting customer support via email or live chat (if available).