Uber Mission Statement

Purpose of Organizational Mission Statement

The purpose of most businesses is to achieve profitability through value creation. A critical assessment of the business environment to identify unmet customers’ needs and think of better and cost-effective ways of meeting one or more of these unmet needs is required. These are what should be reflected in any organization’s mission statement. This is the case with Uber. The company was born about 12 years ago out of a watershed moment in technology, according to a statement from the company’s CEO, Dara Khosrowshashi.

How Uber Reimagined Road Transport System?

Uber reimagined the way the world moves in terms of road transportation and made it more convenient. The company achieved this by taking advantage of the rise in smartphone use to create a platform that enables commuters to order or book a cab from the comfort of their homes. This saves time and the stress of having to walk down to the nearest car park or bus stop to order a taxi.

What are the Other Key Market Insights Uber Utilized?

Other important insights in the transportation section on which Uber coined its mission statement include:

1) Concentration of Mass Transit in the Cities: 

Road transportation is more in big cities. According to data from Worldometer – the so-called “world population clock”, the current world population is 8 billion, with 55% living in the cities. As the world population continues to grow, there will be increased rural-urban migration. More people will move to the cities, and public transport systems must evolve to meet the urban population growth. Any business in this 21st century must constantly reinvent the future because in today’s dynamic business world, the key to continued business success by gathering insights from today’s business strengths or weaknesses and tomorrow’s market opportunities or threats.  

2) High Rate of Per-capita Vehicle Ownership:

Uber tapped into the high rate of per-capita vehicle ownership worldwide. The United States with a population of over 329 million persons is the world’s second-largest automobile market and has the highest rate of per-capita vehicle ownership in the world with an estimated 865 vehicles per 1,000 Americans, based on information from the Annals of Tourism Research. No wonder Uber first went live in San Francisco – a major city in California and achieved astronomic business growth in the early years of its inception in the United States.

Uber App has Made Commuting Easier and Simpler 

Uber made road transportation better in several ways. Firstly, the ease and simplicity of ordering a car have fueled the Uber App’s rising popularity. Just with the tap of a button, a ride could be ordered and a GPS can be used to track the ride and identify the location thereby ensuring the security and safety of the passenger and the driver. Secondly, the passenger is charged based on the distance traveled, thereby giving the passenger good value for his money. Most times, the cost is automatically charged to the card on the user’s account, thereby making payment for transportation convenient to both the passenger and the driver in this era of cashless economy.


Business success comes with a persistent focus on the purpose of the business as reflected in its mission statement. Uber has continued to live up to its mission statement since its inception. As highlighted by the company’s current CEO, the continued success of Uber stems from stellar execution and the strength of the platform the company has worked so hard to build. Today, the company continues to reimagine and reinvent the future of transportation. It is therefore not surprising to see the company investing in driverless cars – an initiative that has been hailed by many as critical for the growth of the company and the future of the road transport system.

1). How can I download an Uber App?

Uber App can be downloaded from the play store such as the Google play store on your Android or Apple store on your iPhone. Simply tap on the Uber icon which appears as a black box on your phone, and follow the prompts to install. 

2). How can an organization develop a good mission statement?

To develop a good mission statement, an organization must address the following business question

Who are we?What is our business objective?What is the current market scenario in the given sector? What are the unmet needs in our market sector? How will our organization meet these needs? What are the available potentials in the marketplace to enable our organization quickly meet these needs? Uber Mission Statement  Read More About It - 6