In Immortals, players guide Fenyx on her journey to restore order to the Greek gods’ Golden Isle, after Typhon the Titan invaded and spread corruption over the land. Fenyx’s story as a back-and-forth storytelling session between Zeus and Prometheus.
While Ubisoft intends Immortals to tell a somewhat serious story, the development team said adding these viewpoints offers a chance to throw some more lighthearted bits into the action.
For example, Zeus gets bored with Prometheus’ story at one point and adds in new monsters Fenyx must face just to spice things up.
Each region on the Golden Isle falls under a god’s jurisdiction. There’s a mech-themed region ruled by Hephaestus (god of the forge). All the gods except Hermes fell under Typhon’s influence and present a boss battle-sized threat to Fenyx, though.
Immortals lets players explore these open-world regions in whatever order they want. While each section of the Golden Isle contains its own unique themes and puzzles, they’re all accessible straight away.
Each region has plenty of monsters to deal with. Immortals’ combat revolves around Fenyx wielding a number of weapons, from the standard bow and arrow to upgradeable weapons that change form, like a hammer that morphs into an axe.
Fenyx gets additional help from a different class of equippable items, though the Ubisoft Forward event only showed Daedalus’ Wings as an example. These function like the hang glider from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, letting Fenyx fly and glide until her stamina runs out.
Immortals Fenyx Rising offers several ways to customize Fenyx using Aphrodite’s beauty chair, including cosmetics, costumes, and hairstyles. The sneak peek mentioned these are earned during the game, but it didn’t mention whether they’re also available for purchase as microtransactions.
Immortals Fenyx Rising launches on December 3 for all current-gen platforms. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Immortals news as it flies in.