The article below will inform you of the eligibility and benefits of this scholarship-

The University of California, Los Angeles, founded in 1919, has been ranked as the number one public University in America. UCLA offers the Regents scholarship, which is unique to UCLA and not awarded at other UC campuses. Each of the schools under UCLA select their Regents Scholars based on their independent decisions of students they think are meritorious enough. The Regents Scholarship UCLA program is offered to entering freshman as well as transfer students, who have been accepted into an undergraduate degree program at UCLA. Typically, the honorarium amount offered is $2000. Financial aid and scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and financial needs. You can apply for additional scholarship opportunities on completion of the FAFSA application before the deadline. One must maintain a minimum GPA of 4.1 to be eligible for scholarships. The Regents award is only granted to US citizens. The applicant must meet all the criteria to be considered for this award. The other criteria are discussed further in the article.

What is the Regents Scholarship?

The Regents Scholarship program is offered by the Regents of the University of California. This program was established in 1962 and is considered to be one of the highest honors a student at any UC can receive. Only the best and brightest students in terms of academic merit and exceptional potential are short-listed for this prestigious award. This is awarded to up to 100 Scholars every year. 


Students must report additional financial assistance and scholarship awards to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. The Freshmen must be in high school or have recently graduated and not enrolled in a university yet. A minimum GPA of 3. 0 should be maintained during all quarters of attendance and an overall GPA of at least 4. 1. It is mandatory to enroll in 12 units program every quarter.  In case of any changes in academic status, the student must inform their scholarship coordinator before taking a leave of absence, or a drop in the GPA or required units for the quarter. Failure to notify the coordinator will result in discontinuation of the scholarship and problems in applying for future scholarships.

Benefits of the scholarship-

All the Scholars selected for the Regents Scholarship are awarded an honorarium of $2000, which is done irrespective of financial need. However, if a scholar requires additional financial assistance, they will be given additional university scholarships or grants to cover their expenses. Entering Freshmen will be awarded this scholarship for 4 years or 12 academic quarters, while transfer students entering from other institutions like community colleges will be given the honorarium for only 2 years or 6 academic quarters. This scholarship is only awarded to entering freshman and transfer students except in the summer intake. Once the student receives their offer letter for their choice of a degree program, they are eligible to apply for the scholarship. On being accepted as a Regent scholar, students will get priority enrollment in the subsequent quarters. On submission of their housing and parking applications, students will receive guaranteed housing and guaranteed parking. Faculty mentorship, from the Regents Scholar Society, is offered to Regents Scholars as requested. All regents scholars are members of the Regents Scholars Society. 

How to apply-

Applicants must first be admitted to UCLA by filling out the form of the University Of California application for admission. Supporting documents such as high school transcripts, essays, and ACT/SAT scores must be uploaded. The minimum GPA for California residents is 3.0 and, 3.4 for all non-residents. Applications are done online. Once you receive the acceptance letter, you are eligible to apply for the Regents Scholarship online too. 


If you are a meritorious student and are hesitant to apply to UCLA due to financial constraints, do not worry! Apply for the Regents Scholarship and fund your education without any hassles.

Are international students eligible to apply for this scholarship?

No, international students do not meet the criteria for eligibility. One must be an American citizen to meet the minimum criteria required to apply.

Is this scholarship available at other UC campuses?

Ans. No. This scholarship is exclusively available at the UCLA campus only. It cannot be availed or transferred to any other UC campuses.

 What amount of money does a Regents Scholar receive?

Ans. They receive a $2000 honorarium and, in case of additional financial assistance, they can receive up to $9000 in grants and additional scholarships.