Letby, 32, is being investigated for purportedly killing seven children and attempting to kill 10 others in the neonatal unit of Noblewoman of Chester Clinic in northwest Britain somewhere in the range of 2015 and 2016.


Police found the upsetting notes during a hunt of Letby’s home following her July 2018 capture, examiners told Manchester Crown Court on Thursday, as indicated by the Message.

“She composed, ‘I don’t have the right to live. I killed them deliberately in light of the fact that I’m not sufficient to really focus on them’; ‘I’m a horrendous malicious individual’ and afterward at the base, ‘I’m Malevolent I DID THIS’,” examiner Nick Johnson told the jury as a feature of his four-day opening proclamation.

Different notes incorporated the expressions: “There are no words”; “trust”; “alarm”; “dread”; and “I can’t relax.”

Police additionally uncovered records connected with a portion of the dead babies she is blamed for killing, which Letby denied keeping as “keepsakes,” the court heard.

A progression of Post-in notes likewise referred to the names of a portion of Letby’s partners, as well as remarks including, “What claims have been made and by who? Do they have composed proof to help their remarks?”

“I haven’t done anything wrong and they have no proof so why have I needed to stow away?” one of the notes purportedly said, referring to that she had been prohibited from being in the neonatal unit.

Police focused in on Letby after they began researching a spike in the quantity of newborn passings and implodes in the neonatal unit under her supervision.

Her safeguard lawyer, Benjamin Myers, let legal hearers know that the notes showed “pain” and not culpability for Letby’s sake.

“The note mirrors the anguished perspective Miss Letby regarded herself as in and what she felt when she learned of how she was blamed for killing youngsters she assumed she had given her all to really focus on,” he told the court.

“What you see there is misery, not responsibility.” The guard lawyer added that, at times, it wasn’t clear why the newborn child weakened or died.

“At the point when you are managing kids like this there will be crumbling, will be there in a jiffy,” Myers said.

“She shouldn’t get the fault in the event that she isn’t mindful and it is astounding, is it not, how with claims like this everybody turns and spotlights on Lucy Letby.”

— USA Today Sun🗨️ (@usatodaysun21) October 13, 2022

Prior this her preliminary, examiners said Letby was once “intruded” by a mother as she purportedly killed one newborn child in August 2015.

The child, distinguished as Youngster E, was “intensely upset and draining from his mouth” after Letby purportedly infused air into his circulatory system.

In any case, Letby purportedly told the mother the blood was from a stomach tube bothering her newborn’s throat — and said “trust me, I’m a medical caretaker,” as per the examiner.