Uk Thang was 29 years of age who filled in as an outsider seller at Kroger and worked a sushi business inside the store. His folks right now live in Nashville among the local area of Myanmar evacuees who are looking for safe house and settle there.

According to the family companion of Thang, his folks are completely broken and are presently in shock and attempting to sort out why his child made this stride? Aside from his folks, there are no reports accessible whether Thang was hitched or had any sweetheart.

Collierville Police Department has affirmed that UK Thang shot 15 individuals at the scene for certain individuals in genuine condition. Thang was 29 years of age man who likewise committed suicide subsequent to shooting 15 individuals and was found in the back of the store. From the beginning, the police declined to give the subtleties of the individual however later delivered the name to the media. Specialists portrayed the berserk scene for security that further unfurled the subtleties of what occurred at Kroger. The gunfire broke out in the space of the shop of the supermarket that was not a long way from Memphis.

The authorities said that we eliminated individuals stowing away in coolers, storage rooms, and beds. Path (one of the police specialists) affirmed that it made him shuddering from inside while depicting the location of what happened today. It was the mass shooting that was the most ridiculously awful occasion at any point happened in Collierville history. In the misfortune, there were additionally scenes of gallantry. Many made an honest effort as a feature of doing gallantry to help other people to put them to security.

The authorities have affirmed that among the people who died was a lady named Olivia King. Olivia was the mother of three who possessed a sweet character alongside being strict and aficionado. Out individuals who were shot, ten individuals were Kroger representatives and five were clients. A few are in genuine conditions and are being treated in emergency clinics. In his news gathering, the authority said to keep Olivia and her family in supplications. The number shot was presently 15 yet fortunately they were completely pulled for the time being.

One of the ones who were shopping close to the store portrayed the scene as quite possibly the most terrible scene that happened to her. She said that an individual came in dark with a safeguard over his face that might be available or not. She heard the sounds like pop, pop, pop and everything stupefied her as it was the fast progression of something like 12 shots. On Facebook, individuals attested that the suspect was a terminated sushi culinary expert however the subtleties were yet not affirmed. Path (one of the police authorities) affirmed that the presume used to work for the outsider merchant. He didn’t affirm if he was being terminated from his work.

UK Thang’s cousin name Pang Cing who lives in Utah told that he took in the report from Thang’s folks yet had not seen him over the most recent 10 years. One more individual named Bawi Thang (not a relative of Uk Thang) said that Thang used to go to Church and Bawi consistently admired him. His neighbor expressed that Uk was a sort of quiet individual who normally saw him while going to work and he never conversed with anyone, he generally remained to himself. The shooter is dead with a self-caused discharge twisted as affirmed by the police boss. Then again, Memphis police affirmed that the shooting occurred at Kroger and the region had not been covered. On 23rd September 2021, at around 1:30 the Collierville Police Department got a call with respect to the shooting that occurred at 240 New Byhalia Road in Collierville.