Although Ultima Forever is a pretty straight-forward MMO, it is a lot like any other action RPG. What makes the game an MMO is the fact that it has a friends lists and chat.

At first, Ultima Forever was planned on being a PC game. EA Mythic decided to go for a mobile MMO to change things up a bit. They also found out that players like to play a mobile game for only about five to seven minutes at a time, which does tend to complicate things for a mobile MMO when most are played for an hour or so straight (believe me, I know). They included hundreds of smaller, five-minute dungeons, so players can beast it in a bathroom if they wanted to. Also, there is longer-lasting dungeons that can last up to an hour if you’ve got the time.

Instead of having to worry about your normal RPG qualities, like leveling up and finding better items, you will have to level up your Virtue in Ultima Forever. In fact, it is almost a ethically-nuanced aspect to the games storyline and gameplay. There are eight Virtues (same as in Ultima 4) that you have to level up to get access to all the games content and other amenities. That being the case, if you don’t level up well enough, you could miss out on parts of the game.

The combat, however, is simple enough to understand and play. By pressing once on an enemy, you will begin auto-attacking them and you can touch anywhere on the ground to move. All of your special abilities will be on the left side of the screen. Also, keys are used to open chests in this game, but what makes it different is the fact that different types of keys can get you better quality loot. So far we know about the bronze, silver and gold keys.

In my opinion, EA Mythic shouldn’t focus too much into the Virtues aspect to get everything the most out of the game. But at the same time, the gameplay looks really fun with a few friends to join in. Seeing how it is a free-to-play MMO for my mobile device, I will be giving this game a chance for greatness this July. EA Mythic is currently working on Android and PC versions of Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar.