Ultimate Uber Black Car Driving Strategy

Uber’s black car driving strategy

Following are the strategies that, can be kept in mind before you start your journey as a Uber Black Car driver-

Understand your target customer. Decide locations and time for driving. Entertainment shows, and events. Real estate market. Cut down the competition. Narrow down the top executives.

Analysis of the above reasons- 

Understand your target customer– Uber Black customers generally belong to the upper-class part of society. It can include businessmen, higher-level managers, and occasionally known celebrities from different fields. The driver must close down their target customers so they do not waste their time and resources strolling on the streets, which will not fetch any potential customers. Also, closing down the target customer area results in a reduction in the response time of the driver. Hence, increasing efficiency.

Deciding locations and time for driving– Being a Uber Black driver cuts the active hours of the day. Unlike the UberX passengers, Uber Black passengers follow a tight schedule, and, therefore the riding hours are fixed. The best time for riding is on the peak in the early morning from 4. 00 am till mid-morning to 10. 00 am and remains idle in the middle of the day. Again gain business during afternoon 3. 00 pm to 7. 00 pm. The riding hours differ on weekends and weekdays. The best business can be yielded from the locations near the wealthy suburban areas where top executives of your area reside. It reduces your reaching time and hence you can cover more trips in the peak hours for a good fare. Although, there is no fixed pattern for your passengers and there can be huge differences in earnings, but they usually even out within the month.

Entertainment shows and events– Although entertainment shows and events, make a good business day, it is important to circle down events that need Uber Black rides. For e. g, if there is a youth concert or big celebrity event, the audience there may not want to spend a hefty amount on their ride back home. But any other concerts and events, which have famous stars of the 80′ s and 90’ s make a good customer day for Uber Black drivers. Because the audience attending these shows has a good financial background and such events are a big deal for them. Hence they may want to get home with that special feeling and pride.

Real estate market– It is important to be aware of the real estate market in your area. Even if you know your locality well, there is a chance that you might miss the tiny details. If there are several wealthy localities, the Black driver needs to narrow down their driving area to the most expensive and busy ones. It can be easily identified, by researching, the real estate prices of your locality.  

Cutting the competition- Unlike UberX, there is cutthroat competition in Uber Black driving. Therefore, even after keeping in mind all the above strategies, it is important to catch every little advantage in terms of dress code, upgraded vehicle model, sharp timing, etc.

Narrow down top executives– The large proportion of Uber Black trips constitute the business class who expense it to their company and a very little of the consumer class. The driver can either wait near the office or, narrow down to these executives’ houses for early morning office and airport trips. Circling down these areas unlocks great earning potential for the Black drivers.  

Uber Black Requirements

Only specific models of vehicles qualify for Uber Black. The model must not be older than six years and have an overall black exterior and interior. All the Uber Black drivers must maintain a rating of 4. 85 stars or above on their recent 500 trips covered as a Uber black driver. The driver must have all the documents like commercial auto insurance and all the permits duly cleared by authorities.


Uber black is Uber’s car service which only includes black, luxurious cars with all-black leather interiors. Only professional drivers are provided, under this service which matches the customer requirement. There is cutthroat competition in the Uber Black driving field, and therefore, the drivers need to make strategies to survive the competition. Such as following dress code, narrowing down the target customer, place and time, etc.

Does the quality of cars affect Uber pay? 

Yes more the comfort and comfortable time passengers get affects the Uber pay.

Is Uber Black more profitable than UberX for drivers?

 Yes. Uber Black proves to be a profitable gig for drivers if followed by the right strategies.