This guide will be listing each bear sorted by chapter, with their abilities, rarities, and cooldowns. Hopefully this can help you plan out your bear use a little better, or just sate your curiosity.

A bear’s rarity is mentioned in parenthesis next to its name. (C) is Common, (R) is Rare, and (L) is Legendary.

Ability bonuses are listed as they are at level 1, since I haven’t maxed them all myself and can’t predict what their maximum level bonuses would be. Some bears are still very strong at level 1, but many Common bears need levels to really have effective score bonuses.

Some bears can be found in multiple chapters. This isn’t shown here, but is most commonly seen in Common bears from Chapters 1 and 2.

This is a work in progress. More data is going to be added over the coming days (and categorizing bears by abilities for easy reference), but if you have unlocked the bears I’ve had to list the cooldowns for as “?”, please leave a comment and tell me the cooldown so I can add it here!

Chapter 1 bears


Chapter 2 bears


Chapter 3 bears


Chapter 4 bears


Chapter 5 bears


Chapter 6 bears


Chapter 7 bears


Chapter 8 bears


Chapter 9 bears