After being delayed to March 2016 and then again into April, hopefully this is the final time. Naughty Dog is undoubtedly using this extra time wisely and Uncharted 4 is expected to be an amazing game – perhaps a Game of the Year contender?). 

There is good news however! Naughty Dog also announced that Uncharted 4 will be having an open beta this weekend, March 4 at 5pm to March 7 at 8am. Serving as a stress test for the game’s servers, the beta will have team death match as the only available mode. The open beta will also contain three maps, with two of them being the same from the closed beta. 

Although May seems like a grueling wait, at least it will give gamers more time to digest titles such as Dark Souls 3 and Ratchet and Clank. Plus, being able to play the beta for a weekend seems like a satisfying apology for the delay.

Will you be playing the beta this weekend? Are you still excited for the game or are the delays hampering the hype? Let us know in the comments below.