Reports from the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) say that one out of every ten Americans has an unclaimed property that the government is protecting. If you think you are the rightful owner, utilize the easy-to-use website to locate and claim your property. 

Types Of Unclaimed Properties : Unclaimed Money Search Using Social Security Number

  1. Tangible

  2. Intangible


These include the contents of a safe box




Uncashed Paychecks

Pension plans

Accounts with mutual funds

Certificate of Deposits(CDs)

Funds held in trust

Insurance payments


Deposits with the court

Reasons For the Existence of Unclaimed Money

  1. Death —A person’s will may not be adequate to cover all their assets if they pass away without naming an heir. If someone did not keep track of their finances, it could be impossible to establish how much money they had when they died. How much they had left and to who they had given it.

  2. Change of location- If you move without changing your address and phone number, your property owner may be unable to contact you.

  3. Termination at the workplace- When employees’ relationship with their employer ends, they may leave without their last paycheck or dividends.

Steps To Find Out Whether You Have Unclaimed Money

  1. Contact the relevant government agency.

  2. Check the website of your state’s treasurer’s office. Usually, this is where the state usually deposits unclaimed money. 

  3. Look up the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) webpage in internet databases. This website allows you to search for unclaimed money on a national level. 

Finding Your Unclaimed Money Using SSN

Visit the official website of the US government’s Office of the Inspector General.  You can look for unclaimed funds that may be yours.

Remember to have your social security number handy when you do this search.  In addition, other personal information, e.g., your name and address, will be required.

Suppose you find that you have unclaimed money. In that case, you must fill out a claim form and provide proof of your identity and relationship to the decedent or account holder.

This process can take a few weeks.

If you have questions about the process, you can contact the Office of the Inspector General directly. They will walk you through the process. Then, they will walk you through the process to ensure you receive your funds.

Benefits Of Using SSN

First, it is a quick and easy way to search for your money. Second, using your social security number allows you to narrow down the search to only include results that are relevant to you. It is an excellent approach to keeping track of unclaimed funds.

Protecting Your Identity Against Scammers

Never give out your SSN to someone you do not know. Always use a reputable service to search for unclaimed money. There are many frauds out there, so you need to be careful. Never pay someone to search for unclaimed money on your behalf. The government does not charge a fee to search for unclaimed money, so you should be suspicious of anyone who tries to ask you for a charge. Do not trust communications claiming to be able to assist you in regaining your property for a nominal fee. Ignore calls from anybody claiming to know where your unclaimed funds are and offering to assist you with a charge. Do not be fooled by counterfeit papers you have received. Use DoNotPay to avoid searching for unclaimed funds using your Social Security number.

Alternative Method of Searching for Your Unclaimed Property

Use DoNotPay

With the 100 percent secure and easy-to-use search engine, DoNotPay can protect you from fraud. This tool is available both as an app and a web version.


Create an account (log in if you have one), then proceed as follows:Navigate to your DoNotPay tab and sign in. In the search area, type in “Missing Money. ”Provide some personal information, e. g. , your name and address. If you uncover any assets to which you are entitled, tap Claim My Property.

Point to note : Unclaimed Money Search Using Social Security Number

Suppose you have changed your name, address, phone number, or job. In that case, there is a chance that your social security number has become disconnected from your current information. And when that happens, your unclaimed money could end up in the wrong hands.

Conclusion : Unclaimed Money Search Using Social Security Number

To summarize, locating unclaimed funds is a time-consuming procedure. Before you apply for the money, you should double-check everything. Also, make sure the name and social security number are correct. You should also ensure that the state holds the money and appropriately files the documentation. Finally, never enter your information into a fraudulent website before paying for any information.

  1. How do you search for unclaimed money using a social security number?

Contact the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators through their website.

  1. What is the benefit of searching for unclaimed money using a social security number?

It is quick, easy, and the most convenient way.

  1. How can you claim unclaimed money if you find it?

Find it by filling out a form and submitting it to the appropriate agency or website.