Like the rest of the game, the interiors of the Desolation ships are procedurally generated, so no two ships are the same. Each has a separate story to tell of how its crew met their fate as well if you’re willing to do the legwork and find the ship’s logs.

Even if you’re not interested in the lore, the Desolation ships contain unique parts you can use to upgrade your ship. These are stamped with the mark of the ship you found them in because Hello Games wants them to “reflect something of your journey.”

But it’s not just upgrades and eerie atmosphere you’ll run into in the No Man’s Sky Desolation update. These ships are rife with alien creatures and a number of other hazards you’ll need to deal with if you want to go spelunking.

As for why Hello Games went in this direction for the latest No Man’s Sky update, the dev team said:

The No Man’s Sky Desolation update is available now on consoles and PC. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more No Man’s Sky news as it develops.

[Source: Hello Games, GamesRadar+]

Uncover the Fate of Lost Crews in No Man s Sky Desolation Update   No Man s Sky - 8