University Of Notre Dame Transfer Requirements

As a transfer student, the document you would need when transferring to the University of note dame is; –but is not limited to your High School Transcript, College Transcript, Interview Essay, Personal Statement, or Statement from the school you were in to show Good Standing, and Standardized Test Scores. 

Being a transfer student, it is believed you should have several good credits (27). This is to ensure you are eligible for transfer.

What Are In These Documents?

Your Transcript: One of the most crucial university requirements is transcripts from the high school (s) and Colleges (s) You attended. It is only accepted when forwarded from the schools directly to the Notre Dame Universityadmissions office.

Essays: This conveys your personal, academic, and professional goals and ambitions. You are to write a personal statement about how transferring to Notre Dame University will aid these goals.  

Standardized Test Scores: While the University of Notre dame will accept the scores listed on the high school transcripts, An official score report from either ACT or SAT is also a requirement.

 GPA: A GPA of 3. 7 or higher will be considered for a transfer.

Letter Of Recommendation: It is recommended  transfer students submit one letter from a teaching assistant in their current college or, if possible, a professor

Fee Of Application: The fee payable to the Notre Dame University upon submission from transfer students is 65$, and it is non-refundable.  

Writing Your Transfer Essay Notre Dame University

Writing an essay is one thing; writing a transfer essay is another. 

Transfer essays are all trying to answer one question, and that is why you want to be in this new school. Why do you want to be at the University of Notre dame? A feature that most students do not recognize when trying to write their essays of transfer is the storytelling required.

Before you are accepted into Notre Dame University, the essay you have submitted will have to precede your being and create a name for you. 

In addition to telling the reader why you deserve a spot at the University of Notre Dame Transfer Requirements, it will also help to inform them why your previous school is no longer fit for you.

However, this does not mean you should be rude or uncouth replies about that school, even if the school was the bane of your very existence, leave kind remarks only about the school but do show honesty in what you say. 

If there are any all too surprising things in your submission requirements, you should do well to mention them in your essays so the application reader is quickly up to pace with your application. 

Finally, you will need unshakeable points as to why this new school is best for you, don’t just say it in passing and hope they catch it. Make your intention stern and clear.

Acceptance And Availability In Notre Dame University

Although the University of Notre Dame requires a minimum 3.0 GPA on a scale of 4.33, having a GPA of 3.7 can only benefit you.

To properly emphasize the slimness of your chances of getting in, Notre Dame University, in 2009, received a total of 869 applications but only admitted 198 students for transfer. 

We do not say all these in a bid to discourage you but instead allow you properly know what you are signing up for. 

It may seem like all the odds are strategically put against transfer students, but that is not so that Notre Dame’s University is only trying to ensure that the students they do admit have the best learning experience.

So it is recommended you go through their course catalog to find the ones still accepting admissions from students. 

A few majors that rarely with little to no spaces in the school year at the University of Notre dame are Neuroscience and Behavior, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science, Business Analytics, and Finance. 

This is why it is recommended that you sign a second choice option in your application, of course, if or when your desired one is not available.

The perfect letter of recommendation

The perfect letter of recommendation Ideally will increase your odds of admission. A common mistake students make is to wait till a few days before the deadline before asking a professor in their previous schools for a letter, and you are doing both yourself and the professor wrong. 

You need to give them ample time to gather their thoughts and write about the school to be. 

Although this is optional to other regular students, it is not for transferring students as a review of Notre Dame University an accredited professor will, for a fact, boost your application.


If your dream has always been to learn in a community college, then the University of Notre Dame is the place for you. You will grow outside of the classroom and in a stable community.

My application to the University of Notre dame university has been rejected before. Can I apply again?

Yes, you are always welcome at the University of Notre Dame; however, if your application is still relatively new, say two years, there would need to submit your documents again unless you retook the SAT or ACT.

Do I need to retake the ACT or S? My scores have expired?

There is no need to go through the hassle of retaking an exam,  the university sees these tests as a central part of the application process, but a current score is not required for an application.

Does the University of Notre Dame have financial aid?

Yes, it does; financial aids are available to the individuals who need them. 

Can I transfer as a junior to the university?

The college of arts and letters accepts junior students into its transfer, but other colleges like the college of architecture do not.