What are uob rewards?

 The corporation has a credit point and rewards system for the customers and the employees. It is one of the largest merchant rewards points programs in Singapore. The UOB Rewards and other credit points program is the corporation’s approach to disrupting traditional banking practices and creating a user-friendly and customer-friendly environment.

Benefits of uob rewards points and program

There are many benefits of the UOB rewards program to the customers and to the employees. Although, the people can use the rewards and credit points system differently based on the profession selected them while creating a UOB account, which includes two options namely the users or customers or UOB employees or workers. The employees who have been working for the company for five hundred or more than five hundred years are liable to get enrolled for credit points and the rewards system. 

Uob benefit program for the employees

TRAVEL EXPENSES- The employees who have been working for the UOB corporation for five or more than five years and have a UOB rewards account are liable to get a discount or cashback on the company’s travel expenses.   FREE UOB SERVICES- The services provided by the UOB corporation include advice, customers services, and trading in various fields. The employees who have Employees Benefit and Rewards Points Program Accounts have free and unlimited access to all these services. FREE BANKING ADVICE- The UOB (United Overseas Bank) is known for the banking facilities provided by the company. It allows people to get information and advice for monetary transactions, deposits, overseas drafts, international banking or trading, guidance for imports and exports, and many more. FREE INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND SHIPPING- The rewards points holders can use the credit points for trading and other UOB platforms for imports and exports. They can also use the option of free shipping and home delivery on the platforms where the UOB credit points hold a certain value.  

Uob benefit program for the customers

FREE BANKING AND TRADING ADVICE- All the customers and employees who have more than 500 UOB rewards can have free access to all the services provided by the UOB corporation. CUSTOMER UOB REWARD POINTS DO NOT EXPIRE- The rewards and credit points earned by the customers through various methods do not expire in ten years. Moreover, these can also be redeemed within one or two years.   CUSTOMER’S REWARDS CAN BE CONVERTED TO MONETARY INCOME- The customers can convert the earlier earned reward points into monetary income. The monetary value of one reward point is 1 dollar. The customers can convert 500 reward points in six months.  CUSTOMERS GET ACCESS TO THE CREDIT CARDS POINTS– The customers get rewards point cards that can be used to get discounts on various UOB services and products.

Uses of uob rewards

The UOB rewards can be used by the customers and the employees in 5000+ shopping malls and shopping platforms. All the customers are liable to get a credit point and rewards that can be used by the customers in various shopping spaces including malls and multi-purpose shops. Customers having more than 500 UBO rewards or credit parts are liable to get a 5% discount on every purchase order. The customers who have been frequently using the UOB rewards credit card for more than five hundred days get a 7-10% discount on all the banking, business, and trading services provided by the corporation.  The employees and customers can use the rewards and credit points card provided by the company to the UOB Rewards account holder can be used by them to get free access to all the banking and trading services provided by UOB corporation.  The customers and employees who have more than 1000 credit and reward points can use the UOB credit points to get benefits of free bank transactions, cashback and extra credit points on online money transactions, and many more. The rewards and credit points are commonly used by the customers and employees for meeting the travel expenses. The people who have more than 5000 UOB reward points can get a 25% discount on travel expenses.

How to earn uob rewards?

The customers have to create an account on the website of UOB corporation. The account holder gets access to all the products and banking or trading services. The frequent use of these services gets to earn more credit and reward points. The customers can earn credit points by frequently filling out the feedback and customer services forms provided by the UOB corporation. The employees and users also earn 15-20 Uob reward points whenever they refer the credit and reward points system to other people. The customer and employees who have been the account holders for more than one year get additional yearly rewards and credit points.


The UOB Corporation is a banking and trading service and an advice provider. It has more than 5000 customers service centers all over the world. The corporation provides many banking and trading facilities through which the customer and employees get banking guidance, customer services benefits, learning banking and trading tactics, and many more. The corporation also has many customer benefits programs and reward points systems. It is available for both the employees and the regular customers. There are many ways through which the customers and employees can earn the reward points. These can be used to get a discount on travel expenses, services provided by the corporation, and many more. Moreover, there are many benefits of UOB rewards and credit points.