Blizzard entertainment has officially announced that the competitive play mode coming to its new shooter, Overwatch, has been delayed from its original June release date. Responding to Twitter messages, Blizzard confirmed that they are now aiming for a mid-to-late July release for the competitive mode.

While this is disappointing, fans of the shooter will likely not be caught in an uproar over the announcement. Overwatch has been receiving outright praise from nearly everyone who has played the game.

The competitive mode was originally held back in order to redesign it. Judging from the announcement, those redesigns are not quite finished. The mode was tested during the closed beta period of Overwatch and it is unsure currently what will make the cut when the mode finally releases in July. The developers stated that they would like to make competitive mode as fun and enjoyable as possible.

Overwatch is available now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.