What is upright row and what is the alternative?

One of the most effective exercises for the shoulders is the upright row. It occurs as a compound movement, meaning it hits multiple muscles at once, making it an efficient way to work the shoulders. The primary muscles worked are the front and side deltoids, but the traps, biceps, and forearms also get a good workout, there is something associated with the exercise if not perfectly performed with the proper tools which is the shoulder impingement. The tools include a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, cable machines, resistance bands, and even the barbell upright rows.

shoulder abduction and scapular upward rotation are what the upright row requires, the leading moves for these are the upper traps and lateral deltoids. Anyone considering an alternative to the exercise must include these muscles and movements. An excellent alternative for the exercise is Single hand dumbbell power snatch, dumbbell lateral raise, and barbell high pull. The list doesn’t stop there.  Additional examples are, seated muscle snatch, dumbbell Farmer’s walk, cable face pulls, incline prone shoulder press barbell Cuban press, four-way shoulder complex, and the list goes on and on. The important thing to note is how the exercise is being done and note the procedure before you experienced the same thing you are running from. Though the exercise isn’t as rigorous as upright row it is better to be cautious than sorry.

Three (3) best alternatives for upright row exercise

1. Barbell high pull

The barbell high pull is quite similar to upright row and thus, offers everything the former exercise does and more. This exercise is meant to operate on your shoulders, biceps, upper, middle, and lower traps, and likewise your whole posterior chain. It can also be considered a wonderful exercise for your structural and postural health because of its involvement in almost all the body’s major muscle groups.

Steps in doing a Barbel high pull

Hold your barbell tightly, it should be done as if you are gripping your regular upright rowThen hinge your hips back in other for the bar to slide back down your thighsUse your strength to forcefully stand up and let your hips be driven forward, this should be done before your bar reach the top of your kneesPull your elbows up and shoulders back as the bar journeys past your hips Return to the starting position as quickly as you started. Barbell high pull is not an exercise you linger around with, it is meant to be powerful and quick from the beginning to the end

Pro Tip: Do not lean too forward when performing the exercise, instead focus on your chest let it be open, and also positioned upward.

2. Dumbbell lateral raise

Dumbbell lateral raise is another exercise that surprisingly acts as what upright row does, the exercise is an effective isolation exercise that is best used for building strength and muscle in the lateral deltoids. This exercise should be done with slight external shoulder rotation to annihilate shoulder risks and also to have an effective shoulder workout. Another benefit of the exercise is that it develops shoulder width and supplies sufficient stress that can be used to perform overhead shoulder pressing movements.

Steps in doing a dumbbell lateral raise

Hold your dumbbells with each hand and make sure your shoulder-width distance is apartExtend your arms out, let your elbow be slightly bent, and gradually bend your torsoGradually raise both arms to your sides till the dumbbells attain shoulder level. Make sure to perform an exhalation during this processLower the dumbbells slowly until your arms are positioned parallel to your body. This is the part of the exercise where you inhale This is not a one time exercise so repeat the exercise for a desired number of times

Pro Tips: Alternate your arms when doing the lateral raising instead of raising both of your arms at the same time, do not try to rotate your arms internally when performing the exercise because it can lead to shoulder impingement.

3. Cable face pulls

Free weights exercises are not only the best options you can have for building your muscle, strength, or balance instead exercises that have an effect overall your training and development should be performed. That is why cable face pulls are another effective option that targets your upper posterior chain muscles. It can also be said that the exercise is a necessary move if you are aiming for a complete training routine.

Steps in doing a cable face pulls

Attach a two-sided rope to a cable pulley and make sure it is parallel to your chest levelStand straight in an upright position and this can be achieved if your hip-width are feet apartGrab both sides of the handle by placing your foot one in front of the other to achieve a neutral gripPull the rope towards your face as far as you can go by contracting your rear deltoids when pulling both sidesLet your hands be straightened backward toward the cable pulley and repeat the procedure several times

Pro Tips: make sure your elbow is slightly down and always use a moderate weight that you can handle


The upright row is not only the exercise that can give you the desired muscle that you want, The exercise has its pros but it has been said that the cons are more than the pros. So if you find upright row uncomfortable for you, the best option is to find an alternative for it, this article has made it easier for you when choosing the opportunity.