Although the attendance policy of UPS is informal and is not exactly rigid, that does not mean that it isn’t taken seriously. In this article, we will provide information on the attendance policy of UPS, the number of days an employee can miss work if employees can take paid days off work, and also provide information on how UPS disciplines employees who miss work without valid excuses.
This article will discuss in detail everything you need to know about the UPS attendance policy
Does UPS have an attendance policy?
Yes, UPS has an attendance policy. The attendance policy of UPS is not too rigid or strict and neither is most of it in writing. The United Parcel Service uses an informal employee attendance policy according to which its employees are required to maintain a rate of absence that does not fall below 4% in a 200 rolling workday period
To enforce this policy, UPS considers the total number of days an employee has missed work i.e been absent, and the total number of occurrences. Occurrences in this situation refer to the documented missing of work by an employee.
Absence and occurrence might seem like the same thing but an employee is said to have been absent if he or she missed a single day of work, while an occurrence is when an employee misses consecutive days of work for the same excuse
How many days can a UPS employee miss work?
There isn’t a written down number of days in which a UPS employee is allowed to be absent from work, but according to the testimonies of the previous and current workers of UPS, it seems the employees at UPS typically get 7 days of leave in a year, 5 of those days is for sick leave after they’ve been working for UPS for at least a year. Days off depend largely on seniority I.e the number of days in which an employee has worked for UPS. Employees with seniority tend to get more benefits including more days to take paid leaves
Per numerous forums, the number of days an employee can miss work depends on several factors, which are:
The hub the employee is working in The employee’s supervisor the employee’s reason for absenteeism
Apart from designated holidays, UPS employees are also entitled to take up to 7 personal days with a maximum and minimum of 4 and 2 weeks respectively.
Is there an attendance bonus at UPS?
This question isn’t expressly answered by a UPS website but rather from numerous forums such as Reddit, and quora, some employees of UPS, whether previous or current attest to the fact that UPS grants bonuses to employees that have a good enough rate of attendance, while some employees say that the company does not give attendance bonuses at all.
When can employees miss work and take days off?
Types of “missing work”:
Scheduled time off: when an employee lets his or her supervisor know in advance that he or she will be unavailable on a particular day. Reasons for scheduled time off may be; doctors appointments, vacations, and others
No-show: this is when an employee just decides not to show up for work without letting his or her manager or supervisor know. Even if the reason for not showing up is later proven to be valid, this manner of missing work does not look good for anybody.
Same day call out: this is the opposite of scheduled time off because a person can not prepare for everything in life, this manner of missing work is for situations that happen suddenly E.G: illness, family emergencies, and others. To avoid repercussions, an employee should let their supervisor know as soon as possible that they won’t be at work.
How to properly take time off work
All you have to do to request a day or days off at UPS is to approach your supervisor and let them know the day you want to be absent and also the reason.
If there are enough staff, your request will be granted, otherwise, it’ll be rejected and you’ll be expected to be at work on that day.
UPS Disciplinary actions as a result of missing work
Employees that violate the attendance policy of UPS even though it is informal will be subjected to disciplinary actions. UPS uses a system of progressive discipline. This refers to when a company uses increasingly severe measures after the employee has been given a reasonable and ample opportunity to fix the problem.
If the problem of not attending work persists, then an employee will be fired and his contract will be terminated.
Process of progressive discipline at UPS;
Verbal warning Written cautionAnother written warning is accompanied by a decrease in the employee’s pay, demotion, or transfer of the employee. Dismissal with or without notice
What happens when you miss a shift without notice?
If an employee misses a shift without giving notice to his or her supervisor, many employers take that to mean that the employee has forfeited his or her position and the company will carry on as if the employee has quit.
This is a bit similar to the attendance policy of UPS. The current policy of UPS indicates that if an employee misses a shift without providing a valid reason within 3 days, UPS will proceed as if the employee has quit.
For a company so large, it is surprising that UPS does not have a standard policy when it comes to employee attendance. But to ensure the security of one’s job, an employee should adhere to the general guidelines that have been laid out, because UPS is a company that focuses heavily on efficiency, being consistently absent or late for a shift, will not yield positive consequences.
Frequently asked questions
Concerning attendance, what can cause immediate termination of a contract?
The fraudulent recording of start and/or finish time for another employee Refusal to cooperate with clear instructions given to an employee by his superior. Repeated failure in following the policies of the company
Does UPS allow time off during religious holidays?
Yes, UPS employees are allowed to take time off from work for religious holidays. Most of the days taken off are unpaid though.