Who likes waking up to an annoying loud buzzer every morning? Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up to a cool and calm message telling you how the weather is, that your flight is delayed, or the meeting was canceled so you can just stay in bed?

Well, this is the vision of the developers of Sleep.FM the social alarm clock. You might be cautious about using an online alarm because your Internet connection might be disconnected for some reason. Well, the cool thing is Sleep.FM will work offline as well by playing the day & date alarm which is loaded into the browser. You just need to access the page online and leave the page up. You can even set or change alarms while offline!

Note: if all you want is a loud alarm clock, check out our previous mention of web application Kuku Klok.

Using Sleep.FM

Currently Sleep.FM is in beta where a bunch of features are being tested and worked out. You can use it right now though with some of the basic features such as learning the time, date, current weather.

The alarm information will continue to loop until you shut it off. This is good because my PC is across the room from me so I actually have to get up and out of bed to turn it off. No hitting snooze for 20 minutes!

Check out this video to get an idea of an instance where sleep.fm would come in handy! Note: due to technical weirdness, the image is a link to Youtube.

Interview With Sleep.FM

We had the opportunity to speak with Ryan Spahn the CEO of Sleep.FM about their website.

Mysticgeek: Let’s start with your position or title at Sleep.FM and how long have you been working with it?

Mysticgeek: What kind of background do you have preceding the launch of Sleep.FM?

Mysticgeek: What is your vision for Sleep.FM? What do you see it as now and how would you like to see it in future years?

Mysticgeek: I love the woman’s voice that wakes me up and tells me weather, time, date, and other information. Are there any plans for other voice types?

Mysticgeek: What type of user customizations do you have planned? Custom sounds, messages, or MP3’s?

Mysticgeek: Is there anything else you would like to add or explain to our readers?

Mysticgeek: Thank you very much for your time in answering our questions!

Go To Sleep.FM To Wake Up To The Web