“As a result [of the update], the XP you’ll earn by completing games will now only affect your Hero progression. Whenever you gain a new Hero level, your overall Player Level will increase as well.”

Players have been scrambling for answers, with many hypothesizing how their player levels will be affected. Others went to forums to compare theories and craft calculators, both to estimate where they will be, how many loot boxes they will get, and how to min-max to get even more.

Discussed in detail here, Blizzard explained how loot boxes will be awarded post-update and upon leveling up. Combine this with the level adjustments and players could gain as many as 70 loot boxes on day one.

The blog post went on to say:

To address this issue, Blizzard “slightly increased” low-level XP requirements while cutting high-level requirements by “75-80%.”

This means heroes above level 5 are expected to gain a level or more, while heroes below that will never drop levels; instead remaining where they are with 50% of the required experience to get to the next level.

Where this really gets interesting is the high level heroes. Level 10 heroes are expected to climb to level 15, while level 20 heroes will have an astonishing leap to level 55. That’s a lot of levels.

Which means a lot of loot boxes.

Now that you know what they’re changing, take a look at your own levels, and the fan-made calculator below to get a good estimate on what your payout could be:

Heroes of the Storm 2. 0 - Player Level and Rewards Estimator Heroes of the Storm 2. 0 - Player Level and Rewards Calculator

And don’t worry too much about them not being 100% accurate. A Blizzard employee stated on Reddit that some of the calculators he’s seen around the Web were pretty close to their own. It’s amazing what the gaming community can do when they work together.

What do you think of the Heroes of the Storm 2.0 update? Do you have other calculators you like more? Let us know in the comments below!