What is a fax machine? It is a communication medium that sends a scanned document in hard copy through a telephone line to the recipient. To receive the fax, the sender needs the phone details of the recipient. Once the fax message is received, it prints out a similar message as the original. Now we will see the Uses Of the Fax Machine.
Operating a fax machine requires few skills. Here are the simple steps to fax your document.
Place the document you wish at the top part of the fax machine. Hold the phone handle and dial the recipient’s fax machine ID number. From the recipient side, the fax machine will beep, signaling new fax message that will print as the original copy.
Fax machines have the following purposes.
To send graphic images such as pictures and posters. Sending sensitive documents such as government projects and secret contractsCase-sensitive documents such as medical reports and research require further analysis. Documents that requires to be signed manually, by two or more parties far from each other. In business can be used to send transaction records. Encrypted fax machines are used in the military for communication. When sending complex documents written in languages that require to be handwritten such; as Japanese and Chinese languages. Most legal companies use fax machines due to their long history and sense of security.
Factors to consider when purchasing a fax machine.
Before purchasing a fax machine, there are several things to consider.
Cost. It is advisable to do a thorough research on the additional resources required and the choices. They includes cartridges used in fax machines and their availability. Features: It is advisable to go for a fax machine depending on the tasks you intend to carry out. For example, for printing purposes, a fax machine with higher graphics is preferred. Document volume: Large and busy offices, large and faster fax machines are suitable such as inkjet. In the case of personal use, e-fax would be suitable. Cost of purchase: these vary from transportation cost to import duty cost.
Over the years there have been technological advancements that have changed the world. However, this genius invention of Alexander has stood the test of time. It is one of the early inventions still in use up to today example; inkjet fax, and e-fax among others.
Reasons why fax machine is still in use today:
The fax machine has seen the demise of many other inventions such as pagers, analog cameras, and steam trains. These are some of the reasons many people still prefer fax machines over means of communication.
Security: Unlike emails, fax message does not pass through the internet. This helps to eliminate the dangers of losing documents in cyber-crimes, and thus makes it suitable for sending sensitive documents. Direct: when using a fax machine there are no issues such as spam messages example, in emails and text messages. This is because the message is directed to a particular recipient through fax id. Enables editing: it is easy for a person to send contract documents to be signed by the recipient in hard copy form. Simplicity: unlike other application like WhatsApp that requires editing, uploading, and downloading, the fax machine sends the document or the picture in its actual size. Reliability: There are low chances of fax machines interfering with the graphics or content of the documents. Confirmation page. The fax machine has a confirmation page indicating that the fax message has been delivered.
Despite all the good deeds, fax machines have some drawbacks.
Poor quality graphics. Since they produced black and white documents, traditional fax machines produced poor-quality pictures. Details in the scanned documents would then get lost in the process. Time-consuming: fax machine consumes a lot of time scanning, uploading, and sending a message before it reaches the receiver. These machines might not be ideal for urgently required information.
Due to advancements in technology, fax machine have evolved a lot. They are being combined with modern technology. These are some of the best examples of modern fax machines.
E-fax: this is an online method of sending fax messages via mobile phone, computer, or tablet. Their advantages are:Ink laser jet. These machines are designed to scan documents, print, and produce photocopies. Some of these machines have fax incorporated inside them but are similar to other fax machines. Android fax machine: These are software designs of fax machines that are being combined with smartphones for commercial use.
The advantages of these modern fax machines to the traditional ones are:
They are simpler to operate, their cost of operation is low, and they are flexible and faster than the old fax machines.