USPS mail handler

There are many duties Of a mail handler When they’re working under USPS. Many career options are provided by the USPS, like cash and money orders, delivery of mail, customer care services. Many other job options are qualified people can go for such as legal experts, Postal inspectors, and marketing specialists. This depends on what kind of person is looking for a job they even can start As a mail handler.

Duties and responsibilities of mail handler

There are several duties and responsibilities of a mail handler. They have to be careful regarding their jobs as this job requires many tasks such as, they can be asked for loading containers. They can also be asked to move the types of equipment, operating the forklifts, and even they can ask to track the mailroom supplies.

Their duty also comprises that they have to sort the mail according to their category like the location on which they are delivered to. They are also sorted according to their weight and the department they are sending to. Their Duties and deliveries also include:

they have to maintain the mailroom supplies. They have to complete the shipping forms. They have to make sure that all the trucks are properly loading and unloading the stuff. They are you an asked for operating the scanners and the Copy machines. They are also asked for keeping the work areas clean. If a person is asking for an express delivery the male handler has to look for it. They have to sort the mail according to their weight category and their locations.

It is the duty of a mail handler, That every male should reach his destination. This is the reason all the mail handles are expected to work efficiently and fast and in an organized way. Many mail handlers can be seen in a large postal office.

Skills and qualifications for a mail handler

There are some skills and qualifications that are required to become a mail handler Under the USPS, Although this job does not require any proper qualifications the person needs to pass a written exam which is given to them. Which are as follows:


The person who is giving the exam must have to make sure that the past exam. The postal exam 475, they have three sections in the paper. The first 

section and third section Of the paper is the logical reasoning section. Under this section, the person who is giving the exam will test their behavior and thinking pattern of the person by giving them scenario-based questions. The second section is related to the experience of the person.

Eligibility criteria for the job

The person who is applying for the job must understand the eligibility criteria for the job. There are certain criteria that the person must follow. Which Is as follows:

The person must be 18 years older or more. The person who is giving the exam must not have any criminal record. The person who is giving the exam must be a US citizen or a permanent resident of the country. There is a physical test what is the physical examination that the person needs to Undergo.

As this job can be during the night shift also, the person who is applying for the job needs to understand that this job is very stressful and hectic. If a person is willing to go for the job then only they have to apply for the same. The person who is giving the exam must also have good communication skills and they have good planning skills also. There are some other competitive advantages that a person can have over other people such as basic software such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word, if a person has this knowledge they have a competitive advantage over other people.


The salary for USPS male handlers depends on the experience they have. But for them, the starting salary is $40,433 annually. This is the date of 4 November 2020, the lowest salary for a full-time job as a male handler is $38,380. 

Hours of working

This depends on the number of experiences a person has. if a person does not have much experience then they won’t qualify for many periods. Usually, the period is not fixed the company can even call them for the nightshift, the person has to be ready for work.

There are many benefits of working as a Mail Handler. The person who is doing this job they get many benefits such as recommendation letter as we are working in a government Based branch. There are much more benefits that include their participation in the employee retirement system, which helps them after retirement.

Question: what is the minimum age of qualifying for a mail handler?

Answer: the minimum age for a person to apply for the job is 18 years.

Question: does a person have to do nightshift?

Answer: yes, the person can be asked to do a night shift when they’re working as a mail handler.

Question: what is the basic duty of a mail handler?

Answer: the basic duty of a mail handler is that they have to sort the mails according to their weight, locations in which they are delivered.

The person who is applying for the job must know the eligibility criteria for the job. As this job is a very hectic job and the company might ask for doing nightshift the person must be willing to do so. There are certain rights and duties of a mail handler, The person must understand who is applying for the job. There is a certain exam that a person needs to clear while they’re applying for the job which is called postal exam 475. There is also a physical test that a person needs to clear for their applying for the job.