USPS delivers the fastest shipping facility and gives the best reasonable shipping price depending on the items you’re sending and the limit of your delivery time. However, sometimes your item is in pre-shipment, which means that USPS did not receive it to deliver or your order is late due to a certain reason. In that case, when your order is in pre-shipment for a week, multiple reasons can be involved. For instance:

When a package is in transitHigh capacity of shipmentThe Customs Clearances of the suspicious itemUse of free shipping optionPre-shipment on the USPS trackerPre-shipment due to seller’s mistake

When a package is in transit?

The word in- transit means to inform the customer through the message that his item has not been scanned in the last few days, and that the package is in between the route from point of origin to the local post office. Therefore, if you receive the message that the package is in transit, it means it will take some more time from the expected date to reach its destination.

High capacity of shipment

One of the reasons that can affect the delivery of packages is the high amount of shipments. In this situation, your retailer sends the package to the shipment at the right time. But due to the increased quantity of shipments, you will receive the message of pre-shipment and will get your item late for one week or so.

The Customs Clearances of the suspicious item

Occasionally, you cannot get your parcel on time due to customs clearance. This especially happens in international packaging and can be a source of headache for the customers. In that case, you will receive the message of pre-shipment from the USPS and will get your parcel late from the estimated period. Another probable cause of pre-shipment is lack of item clarity. You will not get custom clearance in the case of a suspicious item. Consequently, it will take time to clear the item and you will get your delivery on the due date.

Use of free shipping option

On the website of USPS, there is a free shipping option for the customers. However, in the free shipping method, there is no guarantee of on-time delivery. They may send the order late for a few days or a week to deliver their package to the destination. However, free shipping does not suit those customers who want their orders on time. They can use the method of “expected shipping delivery time” of USDS if they want the order fast or on a certain date.

Pre-shipment on the USPS tracker

When an order is stuck in “Pre-Shipment” status, it means that the USPS is scanning the tracker but doesn’t know where it is. During the COVID period, USDS faced pre-shipment challenges due to a lack of staff or resources. This caused the delayed international and USA shipments. The USDS tracker indicates that the order is in the status of pre-shipment or at times it says that “your order is out for delivery”. When you get this kind of message, you will receive your order, not on the expected date/time.

USPS pre-shipment for a week due to seller’s mistake

USPS pre-shipment for a week often occurs when the seller prints the label but in real not mailed it. In that case, you can contact the seller to find out the exact status. This can make you tension free when knowing the exact reason for pre-shipment.

Pre-shipment means that USDS did not send your package or still did not receive your order from the seller. Apart from the above-mentioned reasons, there are some more reasons for pre-shipment. For instance, due to traffic or bad weather or when you are not at home when the delivery boy comes to deliver etc. Your order might be in transit and USPS did not receive it yet. Likewise, USPS did not scan your shipping label. But if you receive the message of pre-shipment for a week or so, you can contact the seller or to USPS service centre to know about your package.

What Does USPS Pre-Shipment Mean?

Pre-shipment means that USPS did not receive your order yet. When they will receive it, they will scan and track it. 

How long the order can stay In Pre-Shipment?

Usually, it takes 24 hours for shipment, but sometimes it can take one to two weeks to deliver the item due to some reason.