Under this restricted delivery system, the USPS never delivers without absolute proof of acceptance from the receiver or its authorised agent.

Features of USPS restricted delivery system

USPS restricted delivery service focuses on the security of the packages rather than on the timely delivery therefore it does not guarantee any timing of delivery.

One cannot track their delivery under the restricted delivery service system.

Under the mentioned service system one must provide the correct address of the consignee.

To strengthen its security service, USPS always makes sure to get the signature of the consignee or its authorized agent or an authorized guardian in case the delivery is made to a minor.

A restricted delivery system does not give any external insurance support system or any loss against the damages of the packages.

Compared to the other delivery services USPS restricted delivery services are costlier because it guarantees the security of the package.

Steps to deliver the package using USPS restricted delivery system

Step 1- One needs to check whether their package is eligible for the restricted delivery service system after they buy the USPS insurance over $100 or the certified mail or registered mail.

Step 2- If the package is eligible to get delivered under the restricted delivery system then mark “restricted delivery” on the package and leave the same at the post office. One must ensure that the delivery address is clearly and correctly mentioned on the package. One can also report the same to the postal officer instead of marking personally the package.

Step 3- The workers at the post office will verify the package and will charge an extra cost of an additional $5 to $6 for using the restricted delivery service.

Step 4- Thereafter, the package will be confirmed for delivery from the postal office and the package will be delivered accordingly at the mentioned address.

Certain restrictions under restricted delivery system

If more than one recipient is mentioned on the package then the package can be accepted by any one of the recipients after providing valid ID proof.

If the package is delivered to some famous personalities or some large organisations then the same is delivered to their registered and authorised representatives only.

In the case of minors, only their parents or authorised guardians can accept the package.

If the proper addressee is not tracked the mail or the package will not be delivered and will be sent back to the post office. Declined mail message will be sent to the consignor who can collect their package from their local post office.

For appointing an authorised representative or an agent the recipient must submit PS form 3801 at their local post office. Once the confirmation mail is sent, the name of the agent will be registered at the post office database who can accept the package on the receiver’s behalf.

The package sender can also file form 3849 with their local post office while sending the package so that the authorised agent of the recipient can accept the delivery under the restricted delivery service.

Difference of USPS restricted delivery services with the others

Under USPS restricted delivery services only the specified person mentioned in the package can accept the delivery while under the other delivery services someone above 21 years can accept the package.

The recipient must show a valid ID proof under the restricted delivery service whereas no such requirement under the other delivery system.

Other delivery services provide a timely delivery guarantee while no such guarantee is given by the USPS restricted delivery services.

Restricted delivery service is not available unless one purchase certified mail all registered mail, whereas no such restriction under the other delivery services.

A restricted delivery service system is more convenient for business purposes so that the confidentiality and the security of important contracts or documents can be maintained. But for other personal purposes, the normal delivery system can be preferred. USPS restricted delivery service has gained quite a popularity as it maintains consistency in delivering the right package at the right time to the right person.

Over the years, the users of such services have barely reported any security loss, package loss, or confidentiality leak. Again, due to its strict processes and an additional charge of $5.86 people delivering non-official packages prefer other delivery services over the restricted delivery service.

Frequently asked questions

What if the package gets lost even after using the restricted delivery services of USPS?

Answer. USPS restricted delivery service does not provide any insurance or loss for any sort of damage but if the package is lost after being accepted by the sender’s local post office they take the authority of the same and make up for the damage.

You can sign if the package or document is delivered to a federal panel institution and the personal signature is not available?

Answer. In case the package or document is delivered to a federal panel institution and the signature of the mentioned addressee is not available then the warden or any other authorized person can accept the package.

Is it necessary to visit the post office physically to mark the package as restricted delivery or can be done by any other mode?

Answer. “Restricted delivery” can be marked on the packages online using different sites and also the 24/7 service of the official website of USPS at their place.