Hassan was an amiable individual who offered extensive Estate Planning Consultation administrations to Muslim individuals.


His admirers are crushed by his unfavorable passing and are looking for the reason for death. How about we discover beneath.

The late Ustaz Jalaluddin Hassan was the overseeing Director of Jalaluddin Travel and Services.

In the mean time, his history actually doesn’t exist on the Wikipedia page, regardless of his acclaim.

Hassan established Jalaluddin Services organization in 2008. He acquired a four year certification in Usuluddin and Islamic Teachings from Al-Azhar University in 2000.

Also, he procured his graduate degree in Tafseer from the International Islamic University Malaysia(IIUM).

Hassan has served the local area in various limits over time prior to zeroing in on his fantasy about setting up an Umrah/Haj and Consultancy firm. The Amtas Vice President, Ustaz Jalaluddin, died today in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

In any case, it is as yet unexplained how he died. His passing was affirmed by the Amtas President, Ustaz Tengku Mohamad Fouzy Tengku Mahid Jumat.

He expressed: “We are all in anguish. The anguish felt is for sure unbelievable, and we will implore together.”

Besides, the reason for his passing still can’t seem to be accounted for authoritatively, and a request is in progress.

Ustaz Jalaluddin was a hitched man with a lovely spouse and had two girls.

As of now, his family is grieving for the unfavorable passing of Jalaluddin.

Additionally, neither his family nor his partners have freely recognized the reason for his demise, liking to stay taken cover away from public scrutiny. In addition, Hasan has imparted two or three pictures to his family on Facebook.

Ustaz Jalaluddin Hasan’s total assets may run between $100K to $300K.

He worked for Jalaluddin Services for quite a long time, which is accepted to have added to his critical total assets.

In Syariah Court Singapore, he filled in as a Syariah Advisor for United Overseas Insurance Hakam and a Panelist on the Appeal Board.

Hasan was likewise an individual from the Fatwa Committee Singapore. Moreover, He was oftentimes dynamic in resolving family clashes, guiding, and talking for the Muslim people group.